Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Practice, practice, practice!

I have been taking a calligraphy class. To get the most out of that class I have been doing the suggested homework 
(Here an practicing capitals by creating an alphabetic list of something -- I choose fabric
and yes Jacquard has a 'u'!)
 as well as some other things like creating cards

recreating my logo and tag line 
and addressing a letter to CBS News Sunday Morning along with a ZenTangle. The idea is that a bunch of Certified ZenTangle Teachers are sending letters and ZenTangles in on April 1st to try and get Rick and Maria on to talk about ZenTangles.
It is such a great thing, ZenTangles and has done so much for so many that creating a greater awareness of it would be even better!
 And I had another excuse to practice my calligraphy!
Cause I am having a challenge finding excuses...

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